Vaccination Services

Appointment Available

Monday – Friday
9:00am – 9:00pm

10:00am – 8:00pm

11:00am – 5:00pm


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About TNVS

TNVS is a patient centered vaccination experience. Specifically, more time is given to each patient receiving a vaccination to make sure that they are educated about what they are being vaccinated for, what the possible side effects are, and to answer any other questions the patient may have. This individual care and the time given to be heard by a healthcare professional instead of rushed out is a large part of what makes TNVS a more relaxing and fulfilling experience.

Tennessee Vaccination Services provides concierge vaccination services such as in-home vaccinations by appointment, corporate vaccination clinics, and travel vaccination clinics for mission trips.

How does it work?

Schedule Appointment

For in-home vaccinations you only need to book an appointment by using the convenient contact buttons, or you can call and make an appointment over the phone. All that will be needed to book an appointment online is your name and number and a chosen day/time you would like to receive that vaccination in your home. Within 48 hours a staff member will be in contact with you to collect more detailed patient information for insurance processing and which specific vaccination that you would like to receive.

Appointment Day

On the date of the appointment, a concierge pharmacist will arrive within the thirty-minute time window of the scheduled appointment time. Information about the vaccine will be provided at this time and any questions you may have will be addressed during this time.

Vaccine Administered

After the above steps are completed, the actual vaccination will be administered. It will be given in the same manner as if you were in your doctor’s office or pharmacy. Per CDC recommendations, the concierge pharmacist will then be available for 15 minutes post vaccine to verify that no adverse effects (such as fainting from needles) has occurred.

Patient Receives Info

Before leaving, the concierge pharmacist will ensure that the patient has their immediate contact information, information on the vaccine, and a receipt of sale.
Vaccinations & Injections List

Vaccinations & Injections

  • Haemophilus Influenzae B (“Hib”)
  • Hepatitis A
  • Hepatitis B
  • Human Papillomavirus (HPV)
  • IPV (Polio)
  • Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR)
  • Pneumonia (PCV13)
  • Pneumonia (PPSV23)
  • Tetanus, Diphtheria, and Pertussis (“whooping cough”, Tdap)
  • Varicella (“chickenpox”)
  • Vitamin B12 Injection
  • Zoster (“shingles”)

Women’s Health

  • Birth Control Injection

Travel Related Vaccinations

  • Malaria
  • Motion Sickness Prevention
  • Traveler’s Diarrhea Prevention & Care
  • Typhoid

*Due to the current pandemic ALL services and consultations have been temporarily placed on hold, except for COVID-19 Rapid Testing. Services will become available again in the future. Please sign up for our newsletter to receive updates on when we are offering other vaccines again. Thank you for your understanding!

How can we help?

In-Home Vaccinations

Whether it’s one family member or several that need a Vaccination, TNVS can come to your home and provide concierge immunization in a hassle-free relaxing in-home appointment

Corporate Vaccination Clinics

TNVS can provide vaccination clinics to corporate business as well as small home-owned businesses. This ensures that the entire staff is less likely to call out sick or spread illness. Many Business and Corporate Staff Insurance Packages offer rebates when staff vaccination clinics
have been held.

Health Care Disparities

Our pharmacy staff collaborates with universities, government officials and local organizations to provide vaccination clincis out in the community To help reduce health care disparities in Tennessee.

Mission Trip Clinics

When the individuals in a mission trip group seek out the required travel vaccinations, many if not all of them end up going to completely different healthcare providers on different days and/or weeks depending on the availability. This costs the individuals money and time, as a trip to a healthcare provider typically requires an office fee as well as a wait to be seen. It can also be difficult to even find a facility that stocks certain travel vaccines due to the relatively low demand. The organizers of the trip must then collect all of the required documentation from each individual separately.

TNVS can eliminate the above-mentioned problems. The mission trip organizer can book a vaccination clinic date, likely coinciding with an already scheduled group meeting. TNVS will take care of all the medical/insurance information gathering ahead of time to ensure a smooth vaccination clinic with no surprising vaccination costs becoming known at the last minute. The delivery fee will be waived, which will save everyone the money they would have otherwise spent on one or more office fees. During the clinic an informational healthcare presentation educating the group on how to travel safely and stay healthy while on the mission trip is also an option, followed by a Q&A. The presentation and Q&A are optional of course, and at no extra cost.

Need to know if your child is caught up on their school vaccinations?
We can help you with that!

Are you unsure if you are eligable for COVIID-19 Vaccination?

Your time is valuable.

Call today and see how we can help you obtain your vaccination record from the state of Tennessee

How can we help?